Ladbrokes Games conducted a survey asking 2000 UK residents to vote on their favorite
sci-fi and
fantasy properties.
Here are the results (with related illustrations interspersed):
UK’s Top 5 Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Series:

Star Wars UK Wallpaper via Backwards & Beyond 
Star Trek vs Doctor Who by Mike MayhewMost Overrated Sci-Fi/Fantasy Series:

Top 3 “Dark” Characters:

Art by Greg Capullo / Animated by ABVHBest Form of Superhero Transport:
- Batmobile (30.55%)
- Iron Man Suit (26.25%)
- Star Wars Podracers (16.85%)

Batmobile by Vlado 
Dan Harmon’s Iron Man Suit by Rob SchrabTop 3 Favorite Lead Roles:

Batman Street Art 
Wolverines Playing Poker by Paolo Rivera 
Doctor Whoever by QuirkiliciousBest Female Character Performance:

Catwoman by Lukas Brezak 
Princess Leia Rolling Stone Cover July 1983Top 3 Sci-Fi Ships:

via Starship tumblr What do you guys think? What would you have picked?
With Star Wars, Star Trek and Batman winning most of these categories, it looks like the UK and America are generally in agreement when it comes to sci-fi and fantasy.