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Uma Thurman as Mia Wallace - Pulp Fiction Poster - Quentin Tarantino

Everybody knows this iconic image from the poster for Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Ficton. Uma Thurman as Mia Wallace lounging on a bed, smoking a cigarette, with pulp magazines and a handgun close by. Most people probably haven’t seen the rest of the photos in that shoot, so here they are!

Uma Thurman as Mia Wallace Holding Pulp Magazines and Smoking Cigarette - Pulp Fiction - Quentin Tarantino

Uma Thurman as Mia Wallace Holding Gun and Smoking Cigarette - Pulp Fiction - Quentin Tarantino

Uma Thurman as Mia Wallace Sitting in Bed - Pulp Fiction Photoshoot - Quentin Tarantino

Uma Thurman as Mia Wallace with Pulp Magazines and Gun - Pulp Fiction Photoshoot - Quentin Tarantino