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Community - A Fistful of Paintballs by Mason Phillips

by Mason Phillips

See this and more Community themed artwork at the Six Seasons and a Movie Art Show.

It runs June 23 and 24 at Monk Space in Los Angeles.


See these and more Community themed artwork at the Six Seasons and a Movie Art Show.

It runs June 23 and 24 at Monk Space in Los Angeles.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Red Ranger by David Rapoza

by Dave Rapoza



Futurama x The Fifth Element Mashup Art

I think it was a great idea to mash these two universes together, but I don’t quite agree with the character choices.

Here’s a pretty convincing argument from redditor jeebus on which characters should have been which:

List of Main Characters
Philip J Fry as … Korben Dallas – Mainly because he’s the main character.
Leela as … Leeloo – Just look at the spelling of the names for christ sake. She’s intelligent, is somewhat of an alien supreme being (although not really), and can kick some ass when it comes down to it.
Bender as … Ruby Rhod – Bender wants to be famous, is selfish as hell, sleeps with a bunch of cheap floozys, and is a conscientious objector (you know, a coward).
Professor Farnsworth as … Father Vito Cornelius – They’re both old and well read and are the go to guys whenever something needs figuring out.
Amy Wong as … David – She’s the professor’s intern, seems like being the priest’s sidekick is the right place for her.
Zoidberg as … Diva Plavalaguna – Seeing zoidberg sing a beautiful opera just sounds hilarious.
Zapp Brannigan as … General Munro – Might as well keep Zapp in charge of military operations since only he could engineer such an ingenious scheme. “Don’t worry Mr. President I’ve got it all figured out. Instead of sending the full might of the military to retrieve the stones and save the planet, we’ll send a single retired commando-turned-cab-driver with a vague list of instructions to retrieve the stones. The enemy will never see it coming, it’s the perfect plan…”
Kif Kroker as … Fhloston Paradise crew member. “But…I’ve never negotiated before!”
Mom as … Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg – Both are CEOs of major corporations and it seems like destroying earth for the hell of it is something that would appeal to billionaire industrialist Mom.
Mom’s Sons (Walt,Larry,Igner) as … Zorg’s henchmen (the black dude who Zorg kills for not getting on the flight to Fhloston Paradise).
Omicronians as … Mangalores – They’re both bad tempered and look pretty similar.
Hermes Conrad as … The President – Just makes sense since Hermes is a pretty anal Bureaucrat already.
Nixon’s Head as … Mr. Shadow (The thing that is trying to destroy the earth) – Nixon admits it himself that he’s basically evil “I’ve become bitter, and let’s face it, crazy over the years. And once I’m swept into office, I’ll sell our children’s organs to zoos for meat. And I’ll go into people’s houses at night and wreck up the place! Muhuhahahaha!”
Lord Nibbler and the Nibblonians as … Monochiwans (aliens at the beginning of the movie) – They’re both basically protectors of the galaxy.

List of Minor Characters
Leo Wong (Amy Wong’s Dad) as … Mr.Kim (chinese food guy on the floating boat in the beginning of the movie) – No explanation needed for this one. “Yo are fiyah’d! Well, what you wait for? Go out now get job, stop being bum!”
Roberto as … Mugger – “Gimmie da cash! Ha-yaah!”
Francis Clampazzo (Clamps) as … Meat popsicle (Korben’s neighbor that gets arrested because he doesn’t place his hands in the yellow circles). – “Hands? HANDS?! These are friggin clamps ya moron!”
Dr. Ogden Wernstrom as … Mactilburgh (Scientist that clones Leeloo) – Another great scene for Zapp to play General Munro. “Oh my. I’ll need to take some pictures…for the archives.”
Calculon as … Roy von Bacon (stoned celebrity wearing a dress at the Diva Plavalaguna opera) – “Look Ruby if you’ll excuse me, I’m programmed to be very stoned.”
Futurama Cops as … Fifth Element cops – Because typecasting baby, awww yeaaahh.
The Crushinator as … Major Iceborg (Korben’s wife as suggested by General Munro in the beginning of the movie)
Hattie McDoogal (Kajigger Lady) as … Korben Dallas’ Mom – She’s bitchy with basically nothing constructive to say. “Korben, they’ve been blaring your name on the kajigger for the last hour, ya big ape.”
Barbados Slim as … Jamaican Airplane Technician – “Hey we need some heat down here mahn!”
Sal (the fat trucker/garbage man) as … Finger (Korben’s friend in the beginning of the movie). – “Major, hows many points yous got left on your licenses?”
Scruffy as … Scruffy. He comes out with the little cleaning robots in Zorg’s office when the glass breaks. When asked who he is and why he’s with all the little robots he simply says “Scruffy…the janitor” before lazily carrying on with his cleaning business.



Mystery Science Theater 3000 Zap Rowsdower Cell Phone - MST3KMystery Science Theater 3000 Zap Rowsdower Cell Phone - MST3K

A custom made Mystery Science Theater 3000 themed cell phone case with Zap Rowsdower from The Final Sacrifice on the back. Awesome.



MST3K: It Came From DEEP 13 by Adrian Velez

by Adrian Velez


Thing 1 and Thing 2 by Coby Rickets - Cat in the Hat - Dr. Seuss - Art

Thing 1 and Thing 2 by Coby Ricketts


video link

Steve Martin knows how to sell a joke. Back in the day, record labels used to make promotional tapes for retail stores hyping their latest releases. This clip from 1978 was known as one of the funniest presentations ever made by Steve Martin, the wild and crazy guy himself.


Sailor America by Ann Marcellino
Sailor America

Sailor Iron Man by Ann Marcellino
Sailor Iron Man

Sailor Thor by Ann Marcellino
Sailor Thor

Sailor Hawkeye by Ann Marcellino
Sailor Hawkeye

Sailor Hulk by Ann Marcellino
Sailor Hulk

Sailor Black Widow by Ann Marcellino
Sailor Black Widow

Sailor Loki by Ann Marcellino
Sailor Loki

Sailor Moon x Avengers mashup by Ann Marcellino


video link

aka Top Line

Short Synopsis:
Alcoholic Franco Nero discovers a UFO in the Columbian jungle. He ends up getting chased through a cactus field by Nazi George Kennedy. Next he’s part of a drunken car chase where he kills a guy by throwing eggs at him. Then a killer cyborg comes after him. Finally he’s attacked by a shapeshifting alien.

Directed by Nello Rossati

Check out my other Fast Forward Theater videos.
